7 kinds of exercise at home, for endurance and productivity!

Still in a pandemic condition that has actually improved enough, regular exercise is still needed. Quite a lot of people still choose to exercise at home, in order to maintain the health protocols given. So, let’s discuss what options you have for this.

    Some of the sports that we will present to you generally require minimal supporting equipment, but can still provide a decent sweat if done seriously.

    Starting from simple movements such as push ups, let’s take a look at the short list we made for you to still be able to exercise at home comfortably and increase endurance!

    1 Push Ups, simple to train muscles
    2 Jump Rope, Looks Easy But Promises To Sweat Profusely
    3 Plank, so that you know during what 30 seconds is
    4 climbing stairs can be a practical exercise at home
    5 Jumping Jacks, combine with other moves
    6 Zumba? Exercise At Home While Refreshing
    Push ups, simple to train muscles
    sports at home
    Source : freepik.com (picture is illustrative only)
    Who doesn’t know sports with this simple movement? Almost no need for supporting equipment, except for a yoga mat if needed, you can do push ups anytime at home.

    With the right reps and consistency of the exercise, push ups will produce a fair amount of sweat. Usually this one sport is done sequentially with several other movements, in order to provide maximum benefits for health, and muscle strength.

    Jump Rope, Looks Easy But Promises To Sweat Profusely
    Yep, jumping rope or skipping can be a very effective home exercise option. Not only does it help you burn calories, this exercise can also improve hand and foot coordination, as well as your focus.

    With just one skipping rope, you can already do this sport. If not, you can even jump without using a rope, and rely on the sound of clapping as a sign of jumping. Do 10 to 15 minutes of this sport in one day.

    Also read: Let’s get acquainted with parachute jackets, Versatile and fashionable!

    Plank, so you know what 30 seconds is
    sports at home
    Source : freepik.com (picture is illustrative only)
    We are not kidding, for beginners, plank is a very heavy movement done. Though this movement is just holding and trying to static position for a few seconds. 30 seconds, it will feel very long when you do this movement.

    The movement is easy, take a position like push ups, but do not need to do the movement up and down. Just hold it for 30 to 1 minute in each session, and feel the sweat start pouring profusely. You can also do various variations, such as side plank, or elbow plank, and so forth.

    Climbing stairs can be a practical exercise at home
    Movement up and down stairs proven to help the muscles of the lower body up to the waist to contract. This will certainly be a good exercise for you when you are at home. Not as light as it seems, with enough reps, you will also feel the benefits of this exercise.

    If in your house there is no staircase to the second floor, you can also replace it with a storage box. Just do the movement of stepping up the box, then down, and repeat, for a few minutes. I guarantee you will feel fresh.

    Jumping Jack, combine with other moves
    sports at home
    Source : freepik.com (picture is illustrative only)
    This movement is also actually no less simple than the movement of sports in other homes. The trick is to stand up straight, then hands on the left and right side of the body, then jump while spreading your arms and legs.

    Jump back by returning the position of the feet and hands to the starting position, and do it over and over. This simple exercise can help you train your heart, leg and hand muscles, as well as the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral attacks.

    Fast, efficient and refreshing walk

    It may be the simplest form of exercise you can do. Brisk walking will also make you feel better in terms of mood, as well as make the body move intensely. Of course, you can also jog on a treadmill or around the house, but brisk walking can be an interesting alternative.

    Zumba? Exercise At Home While Refreshing
    sports at home
    Source : freepik.com (picture is illustrative only)
    Zumba or any other type of gymnastics can be done at home. In addition to using the services of a personal trainer, you can also see videos on YouTube for complete instructions. Just do this exercise for 10 to 15 minutes, freshness will come to you.

    Gymnastics can also directly improve mood so that it becomes better. After Gymnastics, the shades of the liver will become lighter, and the body feels refreshed due to improved blood circulation.

    Benefits of Calistenic exercise for Health and fitness

    Calisthenics is a type of physical exercise using your own body weight as a load to train strength, flexibility, and endurance. This calisthenics Sport includes basic movements such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats, planks and lunges. Because it does not require special equipment, calisthenics can be done anywhere.

    Interestingly, calisthenics exercises can be tailored to the abilities of each individual, from beginners to advanced athletes. Each movement has an easier or more difficult variation, so this exercise can be done according to ability and improved over time.

    About, what are the benefits that we can get from this one sport?

    1 health benefits of calisthenics
    1.1 1. Increases Muscle Strength
    1.2 2. Increase flexibility and mobility
    1.3 3. Improves balance and coordination
    1.4 4. Increases Cardio Endurance
    1.5 5. Reduce Body Fat
    1.6 6. Increase Core Strength
    1.7 7. Improves Posture
    1.8 8. Reduce The Risk Of Injury
    1.9 9. Improve Mental Health
    2 Tips For Starting Calisthenics
    2.1 1. Start with the basics
    2.2 2. Observe the correct technique
    2.3 3. Start with light intensity
    2.4 4. Increase Gradually
    2.5 5. Do Regular Exercises
    2.6 6. Use Exercise Variations
    2.7 7. Monitor Your Progress
    Benefits of Calistenic Sports for Health
    sports calisthenics
    Source: Eiger Adventure
    The following are some of the benefits of calistenic exercise for health and fitness:

    1. Increases Muscle Strength
      Calisthenics rely on the body’s own weight to counteract gravity, which involves almost all the muscles of our body. Movements such as pull-Ups, push-ups, and squats are very effective in increasing the strength of the core, arms, back, and leg muscles.
    2. Increase flexibility and mobility
      Callisthenics also involves full movement that will help maintain the range of motion of the joint. Exercises such as lunges and stretching will help increase the flexibility of the body, which is important to prevent injuries and improve physical performance.
    3. Improves balance and coordination
      There are many callistenic movements that require good balance, especially exercises such as single-leg squats and planks, which challenge the core muscles to maintain body stability.
    4. Increases Cardio Endurance
      Although the main focus of calisthenics is on strength, exercises performed in circuit form or with high intensity also improve cardiovascular endurance. Calisthenics, done with high reps and also without long breaks between sets, can improve lung capacity and heart health.
    5. Reduce Body Fat
      Because calisthenics can be done in a high-intensity format (HIIT), this exercise is very effective in burning calories and body fat. The combination of strength training and cardio in calisthenics can also help increase metabolism, so the body burns more calories even after training is complete.
    6. Increase Core Strength
      Almost all callistenic movements involve the core muscles, as the body must be stabilized during the exercise. So, this exercise strengthens the core muscles such as the abdominal muscles, lower back and muscles around the hips.
    7. Improves Posture
      Another benefit is that calisthenics can help improve posture by strengthening the muscles of the back, shoulders, and core. These muscles are essential for maintaining good posture, especially when sitting or standing for long periods of time.
    8. Reduce The Risk Of Injury
      Calisthenics uses the body’s own weight, so this exercise is safer than lifting heavy weights which can increase the risk of injury. Since this exercise involves the natural movements of the body, the risk of stress on the joints and ligaments is also lower.
    9. Improve Mental Health
      Similar to other types of physical exercise, calisthenics can also improve mental health by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are happiness hormones that help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Light calisthenics exercises such as yoga or stretching can help calm the mind and improve mood.

    With these various benefits, calisthenics is an efficient and effective option for maintaining physical and mental health, and can be adapted to different levels of fitness. So, how to start this one sport?

    Also read: Exercise During illness turns out to have many benefits, pay attention!

    Tips For Starting Calisthenics
    sports calisthenics
    Source: Eiger Adventure
    Starting calisthenics is a great way to improve strength, flexibility, and overall fitness without the need for special equipment. In order for the Eigerian to get started correctly, here are some tips for getting started with callistenics:

    1. Start with the basics
      Focus on basic movements such as push-Ups, pull-Ups, Squats and planks, as these movements are the callistenic foundations that work the various muscles of the body. Mastering the basic movements will help build strength and proper technique before the Eigerian tries more complex movements.
    2. Observe the correct technique
      The next tip, make sure Eigerian learn and understand the correct technique for each movement. This is very important because the wrong technique will lead to injury and reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. Exercises with the right technique are able to improve training results and reduce the risk of injury.
    3. Start with light intensity
      You should not rush to do heavy or high-intensity exercise. But, start with few reps and gradually increase over time. Starting slowly will give the body time to adapt and prevent fatigue or injury.
    4. Increase Gradually
      As your strength increases, try increasing your workout challenge by adding more reps, sets, or trying harder variations of the basic movements. The gradual addition of challenges will help maintain progress and prevent stagnation.
    5. Do Regular Exercises
      Make a regular exercise schedule, for example 3 times per week. Always remember that consistency will be key in seeing results from calisthenics exercises. In addition, consistent training will also help improve strength, fitness, and flexibility more quickly.
    6. Use Exercise Variations
      Once the Eigerian is comfortable with the basic movements, try varying your exercises, for example from regular push-ups to decline push-ups or from regular squats to jump squats. The variety of exercises will prevent boredom and ensure that your muscles continue to develop.
    7. Monitor Your Progress
      Record the progress of your training, whether in terms of the number of reps, duration, or variety of movements that Eigerian do. This can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve progressed.

    It turns out that these benefits of urban parks for physical and Mental Health

    The existence of urban parks has benefits and a very important role in various aspects of urban life, both in terms of the environment, social, economic, and health. In addition to maintaining ecological balance, city parks are also beneficial for physical and mental health, you know.

      City parks provide space for physical activities, such as jogging, cycling, yoga, and walking. With easy access, city parks will encourage people to exercise, which can improve heart health, strengthen muscles, and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

      On the other hand, being in green open spaces and nature is scientifically proven to also lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. The calm and cool atmosphere in the garden will help improve mental health and improve mood. Then, the city park also serves as a place to relax, escape from the hustle and bustle, and enjoy time with family or friends. This can create a healthier balance of life for city residents.

      Know more about the benefits of city parks to tips on preserving city parks through interesting reviews below, come on.

      Table of Contents hide
      1 benefits of urban parks for Health
      1.1 1. Improves Physical Health
      1.2 2. Reduces stress and improves Mental health
      1.3 3. Encourage Social Interaction
      1.4 4. Improves concentration and creativity
      1.5 5. Improve Air Quality
      2 Tips To Preserve Urban Parks
      3 Let’s Contribute To The Preservation Of City Parks!
      Benefits of urban parks for Health
      benefits of urban parks
      Source: Eiger Adventure
      City parks have many benefits for physical and mental health. The following are some of its main benefits:

      1. Improves Physical Health
        Sports in open spaces: city parks provide a place for a wide variety of physical activities, such as jogging, cycling, walking, yoga and other sports. This activity will improve heart fitness, strengthen muscles, and increase stamina.
        Reduce the risk of disease: by providing space for exercise, urban parks help reduce the risk of diseases such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Physical activity in the park is also able to improve blood circulation and maintain healthy lungs.
        Sun exposure: being in the garden allows the body to be exposed to enough sunlight, which helps in the production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones, immune system, and good mood.
      2. Reduces stress and improves Mental health
        Relaxing effects of nature: being in a green environment has been shown to lower stress and anxiety levels. By looking at plants, trees, and running water can provide a calming effect, it can help relieve mental and emotional stress.
        Improves Mood and well-being: Studies also show that a walk in the park for 20-30 minutes can improve mood and improve mood. A city park can provide a space for a person to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, increasing positive feelings.
        Helps reduce symptoms of depression: being in nature can also help relieve symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Interaction with green environments has even been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, increasing feelings of calm and happiness.
      3. Encourage Social Interaction
        Space to gather: city parks are an ideal place to socialize, whether with family, friends, or new people. Healthy social interactions can certainly improve emotional well-being, reduce feelings of loneliness, and build stronger communities.
        Community events: many city parks host community events, such as festivals, yoga classes, or sporting events together. This will provide opportunities for the community to participate and engage in positive activities that strengthen social relationships.
      4. Improves concentration and creativity
        Reduce “Mental Fatigue”: spending time in a city park can help the brain take a break from strenuous cognitive tasks. This restorative effect will also help improve concentration, improve memory, and encourage creativity.
        Benefits for Children: city parks are also very beneficial for children’s cognitive development. Playing in a natural environment will help them improve their motor skills, creative thinking skills, and understanding of the surrounding environment.
      5. Improve Air Quality
        Natural air filters: trees and plants in city parks are able to help filter air pollution and produce oxygen. This is especially important in large cities, where air pollution can be high. Cleaner air will certainly contribute to better lung health and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.
        Reduce the urban heat island effect: urban parks with green vegetation can also help reduce temperatures in cities that are often hotter than rural areas. A cooler and fresher environment can improve physical comfort and health.
        Also read: Get To Know Indonesia’s Flora and Fauna in 15 National Parks

      Tips For Preserving City Parks
      benefits of urban parks
      Source: Eiger Adventure
      Maintaining the sustainability of city parks is very important to ensure the benefits can still be enjoyed in the long term. Here are some tips to help keep city parks sustainable. Look carefully, yes!

      Keep the garden clean by throwing garbage in its place, and reduce the use of plastic.
      Respect the flora and fauna present in city parks by not picking flowers, damaging plants, or stepping on planted areas. Also, avoid feeding wildlife with human food as it can be harmful to their health.
      The next tip, Eigerian can also participate in volunteer programs to assist in maintenance, such as planting trees, cleaning park areas, or helping with the maintenance of park facilities.
      Use garden facilities wisely, such as benches, playgrounds, and paths. In addition, be sure to always follow the rules of the park, such as a ban on smoking, littering, or a ban on playing ball in certain areas.
      Reduce noise and air pollution to maintain calm and comfort in the garden. If possible, come to the park on foot, bike, or use public transportation to reduce air pollution and congestion around the park.
      Support the reforestation program by planting trees, watering plants or keeping young trees growing properly.
      Educate the community and people around about the importance of preserving urban parks. Education on how to take care of the environment can help increase a sense of responsibility in caring for the garden.

      Here’s a clean and healthy lifestyle that’s easy to do

      Why do we need to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle? Adopting a clean and healthy lifestyle is very important because it has a direct impact on physical, mental and environmental well-being.

      Of course, there are many reasons why it is important to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle. One of the main reasons is to prevent disease. A clean lifestyle, such as maintaining personal hygiene, the environment, and food, is able to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as flu, diarrhea, and skin infections. Then, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly can also strengthen the immune system, making the body more resistant to disease.

      To find out more about the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle, as well as easy tips to implement it, check out the review below to finish, yes!

      Table of Contents hide
      1 the importance of adopting a clean and healthy lifestyle
      1.1 1. Improve Quality Of Life
      1.2 2. Preventing Chronic Diseases
      1.3 3. Improves Mental Health
      1.4 4. Increase Life Expectancy
      1.5 5. Reducing the burden on the Health System
      1.6 6. Creating a healthy environment
      1.7 7. Setting A Positive Example
      1.8 8. Increase Productivity
      1.9 9. Contribution to long-term well-being
      2 Tips for adopting a clean and healthy lifestyle
      2.1 1. Maintain Personal Hygiene
      2.2 2. Maintain Environmental Cleanliness
      2.3 3. Healthy food consumption
      2.4 4. Exercise Regularly
      2.5 5. Maintain Mental Health
      2.6 6. Avoiding Bad Habits
      2.7 7. Routine Health Check
      2.8 8. Maintain Food Hygiene
      The importance of adopting a clean and healthy lifestyle
      clean and healthy lifestyle
      Source: Eiger Adventure
      In addition to preventing disease, the following are some of the main reasons why it is important to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle:

      1. Improve Quality Of Life
        A healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, exercise, and adequate sleep, will help maintain energy, fitness, and productivity. Then, the cleanliness of the environment and yourself can also create a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, which contributes to mental and emotional well-being.
      2. Preventing Chronic Diseases
        Healthy habits such as avoiding cigarettes, limiting alcohol consumption, and maintaining ideal body weight can prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. In addition, a healthy diet and physical activity also play an important role in controlling and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
      3. Improve Mental Health
        A healthy lifestyle, including exercise and a good diet, is known to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. A clean and orderly environment can also help reduce stress and provide a sense of calm.
      4. Increase Life Expectancy
        People who lead a clean and healthy lifestyle tend to have a higher life expectancy because they have a lower risk of serious illness and accidents.
      5. Reducing the burden on the Health System
        By taking care of yourself, Eigerian reduces the need for intensive medical care and reduces the burden on the health system, so that more resources can be allocated to people in dire need.
      6. Creating a healthy environment
        Habits to keep the environment clean, such as disposing of garbage in place and recycling, contribute to environmental sustainability and prevent pollution. Then, a clean and healthy environment will also support overall public health and prevent disease outbreaks.
      7. Setting A Positive Example
        Applying a clean and healthy lifestyle, means Eigerian set a good example for family, friends, and community. This can inspire others to follow the same pattern of life, creating a broader positive effect.
      8. Increase Productivity
        By keeping the body healthy and fit, the Eigerian will be better able to carry out daily activities efficiently and effectively, both at home and at work.
      9. Contribution to long-term well-being
        Investing in a healthy lifestyle is an investment in long-term well-being. The benefits are not only felt now, but also in the future, both in terms of personal health and overall quality of life.

      Also read: Living A Minimalist, more Mindful & Anti-Stress lifestyle!

      Tips for implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle
      clean and healthy lifestyle
      Source: Eiger Adventure
      Implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle is an important step to maintain physical, mental and environmental health. Here are some ways to implement a lifestyle that needs eigerian note:

      1. Maintain Personal Hygiene
        Be sure to always wash your hands with soap and clean water, especially before eating, after going to the toilet, and after touching objects in public places. Then, take a shower at least twice a day to keep your body clean and prevent skin diseases. Do not forget to brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night, and use dental floss to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
      2. Maintain Environmental Cleanliness
        The next tip, Be sure to dispose of garbage in the appropriate trash, and participate in waste sorting. Clean the house regularly, including sweeping, mopping, and cleaning the bathroom. For items that are no longer used, they should be discarded to avoid accumulation and dust.
      3. Healthy food consumption
        Eigerians should also consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. Don’t forget to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your daily diet. In addition, limit the consumption of sweet, salty and high-fat foods to prevent diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Finally, be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain hydration and help the body function.
      4. Exercise Regularly
        Sports such as walking, cycling, or swimming can be done for 30 minutes a day. This will help maintain physical fitness and mental health. In addition, Eigerian can also combine cardiovascular exercise with strength training to maintain heart health and build muscle.
      5. Maintain Mental Health
        Eigerian can also try to practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to reduce stress. Then, be sure to sleep for 7-9 hours every night to restore energy and maintain hormonal balance. Also, make time for hobbies or activities that make you feel happy and relaxed.
      6. Avoiding Bad Habits
        It is important to remember, smoking can damage lung and heart health, as well as increase the risk of various chronic diseases. In addition to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs also need to be avoided. The use of illegal drugs and other addictive substances that can damage physical and mental health.
      7. Routine Health Check
        Routine check-ups to the doctor aim to monitor overall health and early detection of health problems. In addition, make sure that the Eigerian has received the necessary vaccinations to prevent infectious diseases.
      8. Maintain Food Hygiene
        Don’t forget to always wash your hands before preparing food to prevent contamination. Store food at the right temperature and avoid storing food for too long.

      7 incredible quality sleep Tips for Health

      Quality sleep Tips are still often overlooked by many people in the midst of the rush and demands of modern life. In fact, good sleep has a big effect on physical and mental health, productivity, and overall quality of life. Without adequate and quality sleep, you can experience various serious health problems, such as decreased endurance, impaired concentration, stress, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

        However, Eigerians need not worry. This article will give you some simple habits to improve your sleep quality. By adopting these habits, you can experience positive changes in your life, from better health to improved productivity and overall quality of life.

        1 Benefits Of Quality Sleep Every Day
        2 tips for quality sleep with simple daily habits
        2.1 1. Maintain A Consistent Daily Sleep Schedule
        2.2 2. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment
        2.3 3. Limiting Exposure To Blue Light Before Bed
        2.4 4. Pay attention to food and drink intake before bed
        2.5 5. Exercise Regularly, But Avoid Exercise Before Bed
        2.6 6. Stay relaxed and clear your mind at night
        2.7 7. Avoid taking too long naps

        Benefits Of Quality Sleep Every Day
        Quality sleep is indeed very good effect on one’s health. Here are some of the benefits of quality sleep that you will enjoy:

        Adequate sleep can improve insulin, which is a hormone regulating blood sugar levels in the body. With enough sleep, blood sugar levels will be normal and reduce the risk of diabetes.
        Sleep is also good for children and adolescents who are in their infancy. During deep sleep, the body releases hormones to repair tissues and cells in the body, build muscle mass, and optimize brain performance.
        Adequate rest time also plays an important role in maintaining heart health because blood circulation is smooth and the risk of blockages decreases.
        Quality sleep every night also keeps weight stable naturally. This is due to the action of hormones that process carbohydrates by suppressing hunger and increasing satiety.
        People who sleep poorly can experience unstable emotions such as irritability, anger, and being more sensitive. This is caused by organs, body cells, and tissues that have not been updated, so the body feels tired. Therefore, a good night’s sleep is important to keep emotions stable.
        Adequate rest can increase immunity and endurance higher than those who lack sleep.
        Tips for quality sleep with simple daily habits
        A good and quality night’s sleep is one of the effective ways you can do to optimize your health.

        1. Maintain A Consistent Daily Sleep Schedule
          Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is very important. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including on weekends. These Tips help regulate the body’s circadian rhythm to function in a specific cycle, so that it can align with when the night and morning. To set a consistent sleep schedule, try setting a bedtime and wake-up time that is realistic and easy for you to implement every day.
        2. Creating a comfortable sleeping environment
          Factors such as room temperature, lighting, noise, and bedding greatly affect sleep comfort. So, make sure the atmosphere of your bedroom when it will rest in cool, dark, calm, and fragrant conditions. Using a comfortable mattress and pillow is also very important for your sleep quality because it prevents lower back pain that can make sleep not good.
        3. Limiting Exposure To Blue Light Before Bed

        Source: Freepik (images are for illustration only)
        Blue light from electronic devices such as cell phones and computers can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep to be more restful. Therefore, reduce your exposure to blue light at least an hour before bed by not operating your phone, tablet, and computer. To minimize exposure to blue light, you can also activate Night mode on your device or use special glasses that block blue light.

        1. Pay attention to food and drink intake before bed
          Certain foods and drinks can interfere with sleep, such as caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals. Avoid consuming caffeine and alcohol a few hours before bedtime. Choose snacks that can support sleep to be more soundly such as bananas, almonds, or warm milk before bed.
        2. Exercise Regularly, But Avoid Exercise Before Bed
          Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, but with a note, do not exercise near bedtime because it can cause sleep disorders. This condition is due to the stimulating effect of exercise that increases alertness and levels of hormones such as epinephrine and adrenaline, making it difficult to sleep. It’s best to do 30 minutes of exercise a day other than at night such as walking, yoga, or swimming is very good to help sleep better.
        3. Stay relaxed and clear your mind at night

        Source: Eiger Adventure
        Stressful thoughts can be a major disruptor of sleep. Managing stress well through meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques can help calm your mind before bed and prevent insomnia. Try deep breathing practices, short meditations, or listening to music before bed to help your body and mind relax.

        1. Avoid taking too long naps
          Although naps are beneficial for the body to rest for a while, but a nap that is too long can interfere with night sleep. Limit naps to no more than 20-30 minutes and avoid taking naps too late in the afternoon. A short nap can provide energy without interrupting night sleep.

        Also read: Can quality sleep improve your quality of life?

        As with regular exercise and a nutritious diet, adequate and restful sleep is essential for maintaining good health. If you have a sleep disorder, try to apply 7 quality sleep tips consistently, then the results can help you get quality sleep. Remember, small changes in sleep habits can have a big impact on your overall quality of life. Don’t hesitate to start now and feel the difference in your life!

        5 Tips to maintain health in the rainy season, stay Fit and fit!

        Eigerian, the rainy season often brings humid air and cold temperatures, which unfortunately also become fertile fields for viruses and bacteria. This condition makes our body more susceptible to diseases, ranging from flu to dengue. However, you don’t have to worry. With a little more attention and consistent effort, you can maintain your health and fitness during the rainy season. Come on, check out the tips to maintain health in the following rainy season!

          1 Why Is it important to maintain health in the rainy season?
          2 Tips To Maintain Health During The Rainy Season
          2.1 1. Maintain Personal Hygiene
          3 2. Meet Nutritional Needs
          4 3. Maintain The Body’s Immunity
          5 4. Prevent common diseases in the rainy season
          6 5. Special Tips for children and the elderly
          7 stay active with gear

          Why is it important to maintain health in the rainy season?
          The rainy season is synonymous with more humid and wet conditions, which can trigger the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. Plus, drastic changes in temperature often make the body’s resistance decrease, so the risk of developing the disease increases.

          Flu-causing viruses and other bacteria develop faster in cold and humid environments, so diseases such as coughs, flu, fever, to skin diseases often increase during the rainy season. For this reason, maintaining health is an important key so that you can still move comfortably.

          Tips To Maintain Health During The Rainy Season
          Here are some practical tips that you can apply to maintain health and fitness during the rainy season:

          1. Maintain Personal Hygiene
            Maintaining personal hygiene is the main measure to minimize the risk of contracting the disease. Some steps you can take are:

          Wash your hands regularly: be sure to always wash your hands with soap and running water, especially after outdoor activities, before eating, and after going to the toilet. This helps eliminate any bacteria or viruses that may be attached.
          Shower with warm water: a shower with warm water not only makes the body feel good in cold weather, but also helps maintain cleanliness and warm the body. Warm water also effectively cleanses the skin of germs and bacteria.
          Change wet clothes immediately: wet or damp clothes can make the body cold and increase the risk of catching a cold. You should immediately change clothes if you are exposed to rain.
          Clean the House regularly: make sure the house is kept clean, especially areas that are often damp such as the bathroom and kitchen. Also clean the puddles around the house so as not to become a mosquito nest that causes dengue fever.

          1. Meet Nutritional Needs
            Good nutrition can help the body fight infections and increase endurance. Here are some ways to meet nutritional needs during the rainy season:

          Eat a nutritionally balanced diet: make sure you eat foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals. Adequate nutrition helps strengthen the immune system.
          Multiply fruits and vegetables: fruits such as oranges, papayas and strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is good for increasing endurance. Green vegetables also contain many antioxidants to ward off free radicals.
          Drink enough water: despite the cooler temperatures, the body still needs fluids to maintain metabolic balance. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep your body hydrated.
          Avoid foods that are difficult to digest: oily, spicy, or too heavy foods often make the digestive system work harder, which can lower the body’s resistance. Choose foods that are light and easy to digest to maintain digestive health.

          1. Maintain The Body’s Immunity

          Source: Eiger Adventure
          A strong immune system is the key to avoiding disease. Here are some ways to maintain immunity:

          Adequate rest: adequate sleep, about 7-8 hours per day, is essential to help the body repair tissues and recover energy.
          Manage stress well: excessive stress can decrease the body’s resistance. Do fun and relaxing activities to manage stress, such as reading a book, listening to music, or doing light exercise.
          Regular exercise: exercise helps to improve blood circulation and boost the immune system. If it’s not possible to exercise outside, you can try yoga or light stretching at home.
          Take supplements if needed: if you feel the need, take supplements such as vitamin C or zinc after consulting a doctor. Supplements can help strengthen the body’s resistance in the rainy season.

          1. Prevent common diseases in the rainy season
            The rainy season often carries the risk of certain diseases. Here’s how to prevent some common diseases in the rainy season:

          Flu and cough: use a mask when leaving the house, avoid contact with sick people, and keep warm.
          Dengue fever: avoid standing water around the house that can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Use mosquito nets while sleeping and spray mosquito repellent at home.
          Skin diseases: damp weather can increase the risk of skin irritation or fungal infections. Always keep skin clean, use moisturizers, and avoid scratching itchy skin.

          1. Special Tips for children and the elderly
            Children and the elderly are usually more susceptible to disease in the rainy season. Here are specific tips you can apply:

          Children: keep the child’s body and clothing clean, provide nutritious food, and make sure they get the necessary vaccinations to protect against various diseases.
          Elderly: the elderly need extra attention to their health condition. Make sure they get enough nutrition, maintain personal hygiene, and avoid activities that are too heavy to stay healthy and fit.

          Not just for the physical, here are 8 benefits of exercise for Mental Health

          Eigerian, what makes you exercise regularly? Perhaps many people do it for the sake of maintaining physical health. But did you know that exercise also has mental health benefits? Curious about the relationship between exercise and mental health? Here are the benefits of exercise for mental health.

            1 How Does Exercise Affect Mental Health?
            2 8 benefits of exercise for Mental Health
            2.1 1. Improves mood
            2.2 2. Reduce stress
            2.3 3. Help to cope with emergencies
            2.4 4. Reduces the risk of depression
            2.5 5. Improve sleep quality
            2.6 6. Increase self-confidence
            2.7 7. Improves brain function
            2.8 8. Making life so much happier
            3 ready to start exercising with EIGER?
            How Does Exercise Affect Mental Health?
            The benefits of exercise for mental health are obtained because this physical activity can increase blood flow to the brain and affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.

            HPA itself plays a role in regulating several areas in the brain, including the limbic system that controls motivation and mood, the amygdala that triggers fear in response to stress, and the hippocampus, which is important for memory formation, mood, and motivation.

            When we do sports, the body will release neurotransmitters and hormones, such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin which have an effect on mood and improve sleep quality at night.

            8 benefits of exercise for Mental Health

            After knowing what kind of relationship sports activities with mental health, let’s see what benefits can Eigerian feel on the mental state if diligent exercise.

            1. Improves mood
              Doing regular exercise can help maintain mental health because as mentioned above, these activities are effective in improving poor mood. Regular exercise can make a person feel calmer, satisfied, and happy, so the mind becomes more positive.

            If the mood is unstable, try doing light activities such as walking. Walking can be a fun form of recreation as well as an aerobic exercise that is good for heart health.

            1. Reduce stress
              When exercising, the body not only produces happy hormones, but also reduces the production of the hormone cortisol, which increases when a person experiences stress.

            In addition, increased heart rate during physical activity can encourage the body to produce more of the hormone norepinephrine, which has the function of stabilizing mood. Thus, stress can be reduced.

            1. Help to cope with emergencies
              This happens because exercise can stimulate the production of endorphins, which act as pain relievers and increase feelings of happiness.

            An increase in heart rate during exercise can also increase levels of serotonin and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which work to control cell hyperactivity related to anxiety.

            1. Reduces the risk of depression
              A study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry revealed that adults who do brisk walking for 2.5 hours a week have a lower risk of depression.

            When exercising, the body will produce endorphins that can improve mood. While the risk of depression will increase if someone is trapped in negative emotions. In this study also mentioned that it is not necessary to do strenuous exercise to get the benefits. You can start with a quick walk, as long as it is done regularly.

            Also Read: 10 Ways To Maintain Mental Health, Prevent Burnout!

            1. Improve sleep quality
              Sleep quality and mental health are closely related. Meanwhile, one of the benefits can be felt from exercising is improving sleep quality.

            According to Hopkins Medicine, the improved mood and calmness gained from exercising is essential to support the natural transition to sleep. However, you should avoid exercising close to bedtime, ideally about two hours before bedtime. Because the increase in metabolism after exercise can actually keep you awake.

            1. Increase self-confidence
              Regular exercise can improve physical condition and mood, which can ultimately increase self-confidence. With a better mood, we will have a more positive assessment of ourselves.

            In addition, some types of sports, such as basketball, football and volleyball require good teamwork among their members. This can certainly improve a person’s ability to socialize and collaborate with others.

            1. Improves brain function
              The benefits of regular exercise for improving brain function are obtained from the production of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) substances that increase during aerobic exercise.

            BDNF is a substance that serves to form new brain cells so as to increase the concentration and absorption of the brain in processing information.

            1. Making life so much happier
              The hormone endorphin is often referred to as the”happy hormone”. If you exercise consistently over the long term, endorphins, along with dopamine and serotonin, can improve overall brain function.

            To experience these benefits, it is recommended to exercise at least three times a week. With these routines, you not only improve your mental well-being, but also support optimal cognitive health.

            The benefits of setting Personal Boundaries for Mental Health and quality of life

            Have Eigerians ever felt overwhelmed by other people’s requests and found it difficult to say “no”? This is indeed something that many people experience, but constantly fulfilling other people’s requests without considering yourself can cause stress, you know. In this situation, setting personal boundaries can be an effective solution.

            Personal boundaries are boundaries that we set to maintain a balance between our own needs and expectations and the demands of others.

            Personal boundaries allow the Eigerian to set other people’s expectations of you. By setting clear boundaries, the Eigerian can tell people around about what the Eigerian can and cannot do. That way, they don’t constantly ask for things that make Eigerians feel overwhelmed.

            What are the benefits of personal boundaries for mental health and quality of life? How to do it? Make sure Eigerian reads the review below to find the full answer!

            1 Benefits Of Setting Personal Boundaries
            1.1 1. Reduces stress and anxiety
            1.2 2. Improves Emotional Well-Being
            1.3 3. Build Self-Confidence
            1.4 4. Preventing Feelings Of Resentment (Hidden Hatred)
            1.5 5. Maintain healthier relationships
            1.6 6. Make room for Personal Growth
            2 Tips For Setting Personal Boundaries
            2.1 1. Know your needs and values
            2.2 2. Learn To Say” No ” firmly and gently
            2.3 3. Communicate your boundaries clearly
            2.4 4. Start with small limits
            2.5 5. Stay Consistent
            2.6 6. Evaluate and adjust limits periodically
            The Benefits Of Setting Personal Boundaries
            personal boundaries
            Source: Eiger Adventure
            Personal boundaries have many important benefits for mental health and quality of life. The following are some of them:

            1. Reduces stress and anxiety
              When the Eigerian sets clear boundaries, it means that the Eigerian can avoid being overloaded by too many responsibilities or pressure from others. Rejecting requests that are not within your capacity will reduce stress, because Eigerians do not constantly feel pressured to meet excessive expectations.
            2. Improves Emotional Well-Being
              With personal boundaries, Eigerians can better recognize and meet their own emotional needs. The Eigerian does not feel that he always has to put the interests of others above his own, so he can focus more on what makes him feel happy and prosperous.
            3. Build Self-Confidence
              When you successfully set and maintain personal boundaries, the Eigerian will feel more empowered and more confident in controlling life. Eigerian so knows when to say “no” without feeling guilty, and this gives a sense of ownership over your own choices. This self-confidence is very important to build assertiveness in communication and maintain healthy relationships.
            4. Preventing Feelings Of Resentment (Hidden Hatred)
              When you feel compelled to say ” yes ” to things you don’t really want to do, you may begin to feel pressured or resentful of yourself or others. This can lead to resentment against situations or people that make you feel forced, you know. So, setting boundaries will allow you to prevent these negative feelings and keep your relationship positive and healthy.
            5. Maintain healthier relationships
              Personal boundaries will help create healthier and more balanced relationships, be it in the family, friendships, or work. When the other person respects your boundaries, then the relationship will tend to be more based on mutual respect and no one feels exploited or taken advantage of. It can also reduce the risk of getting stuck in a toxic relationship where personal boundaries are often ignored.
            6. Make room for Personal Growth
              By having clear boundaries, Eigerians will have time and space to focus on themselves and what is important for personal growth, such as hobbies, learning, or life goals. In addition, Eigerians can also focus more on pursuing dreams without being distracted by unnecessary external demands. Of course, this will provide an opportunity for self-care and improve the overall quality of life.

            Also read: Stressed and tired? Here’s A Guide to when to see a psychologist

            Tips For Setting Personal Boundaries
            personal boundaries
            Source: Eiger Adventure
            Establishing personal boundaries is an important step to maintaining life balance, protecting emotional well-being, and maintaining healthy relationships. There are several tips for setting personal boundaries effectively, which need to be taken into account:

            1. Know your needs and values
              Try to understand what is important to you, what makes you comfortable, and what makes you feel overwhelmed. Recognizing emotional, physical, and mental needs is the first step in setting boundaries.
            2. Learn To Say” No ” firmly and gently
              Saying” No ” is often difficult, especially if the Eigerian is worried about disappointing others. However, this is an important part of maintaining healthy boundaries. Try using polite but firm sentences, such as,” I’m sorry, I can’t do it right now, “” I need to focus on other priorities, ” or others.
            3. Communicate your boundaries clearly
              Make sure the Eigerian communicates openly with others about the boundaries that have been set. This is important, because undisclosed boundaries can easily be broken because others may not realize it.
            4. Start with small limits
              If the Eigerian is just starting to set personal boundaries, start with smaller, simpler boundaries. For example, set a time limit for replying to messages outside of business hours, or reject small requests that overwhelm you. Training yourself to set small limits will really help you build confidence and prepare for bigger limits.
            5. Stay Consistent
              Remember, consistency is very important in maintaining boundaries. If you have set a limit, make sure the Eigerian adheres to it and is not easily tempted to break it. Inconsistency can confuse others and break established boundaries. So, maintain the boundaries that have been created despite external pressure.
            6. Evaluate and adjust limits periodically
              Established boundaries can change over time, especially due to changes in life or relationships. So, it is important to periodically evaluate whether the limitation is still relevant and effective or not. If there is a situation where your limits are no longer appropriate, you should not hesitate to adjust them.

            5 Tips to maintain health in the rainy season, stay Fit and fit!

            Eigerian, the rainy season often brings humid air and cold temperatures, which unfortunately also become fertile fields for viruses and bacteria. This condition makes our body more susceptible to diseases, ranging from flu to dengue. However, you don’t have to worry. With a little more attention and consistent effort, you can maintain your health and fitness during the rainy season. Come on, check out the tips to maintain health in the following rainy season!

              Why is it important to maintain health in the rainy season?
              The rainy season is synonymous with more humid and wet conditions, which can trigger the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. Plus, drastic changes in temperature often make the body’s resistance decrease, so the risk of developing the disease increases.

              Flu-causing viruses and other bacteria develop faster in cold and humid environments, so diseases such as coughs, flu, fever, to skin diseases often increase during the rainy season. For this reason, maintaining health is an important key so that you can still move comfortably.

              Tips To Maintain Health During The Rainy Season
              Here are some practical tips that you can apply to maintain health and fitness during the rainy season:

              1. Maintain Personal Hygiene
                Maintaining personal hygiene is the main measure to minimize the risk of contracting the disease. Some steps you can take are:

              Wash your hands regularly: be sure to always wash your hands with soap and running water, especially after outdoor activities, before eating, and after going to the toilet. This helps eliminate any bacteria or viruses that may be attached.
              Shower with warm water: a shower with warm water not only makes the body feel good in cold weather, but also helps maintain cleanliness and warm the body. Warm water also effectively cleanses the skin of germs and bacteria.
              Change wet clothes immediately: wet or damp clothes can make the body cold and increase the risk of catching a cold. You should immediately change clothes if you are exposed to rain.
              Clean the House regularly: make sure the house is kept clean, especially areas that are often damp such as the bathroom and kitchen. Also clean the puddles around the house so as not to become a nest of mosquitoes that cause dengue fever.

              1. Meet Nutritional Needs
                Good nutrition can help the body fight infections and increase endurance. Here are some ways to meet nutritional needs during the rainy season:

              Eat a nutritionally balanced diet: make sure you eat foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals. Adequate nutrition helps strengthen the immune system.
              Multiply fruits and vegetables: fruits such as oranges, papayas and strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which is good for increasing endurance. Green vegetables also contain many antioxidants to ward off free radicals.
              Drink enough water: despite the cooler temperatures, the body still needs fluids to maintain metabolic balance. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to keep your body hydrated.
              Avoid foods that are difficult to digest: oily, spicy, or too heavy foods often make the digestive system work harder, which can lower the body’s resistance. Choose foods that are light and easy to digest to maintain digestive health.

              1. Maintain The Body’s Immunity

              Source: Eiger Adventure
              A strong immune system is the key to avoiding disease. Here are some ways to maintain immunity:

              Adequate rest: adequate sleep, about 7-8 hours per day, is essential to help the body repair tissues and recover energy.
              Manage stress well: excessive stress can decrease the body’s resistance. Do fun and relaxing activities to manage stress, such as reading a book, listening to music, or doing light exercise.
              Regular exercise: exercise helps to improve blood circulation and boost the immune system. If it’s not possible to exercise outside, you can try yoga or light stretching at home.
              Take supplements if needed: if you feel the need, take supplements such as vitamin C or zinc after consulting a doctor. Supplements can help strengthen the body’s resistance in the rainy season.

              1. Prevent common diseases in the rainy season
                The rainy season often carries the risk of certain diseases. Here’s how to prevent some common diseases in the rainy season:

              Flu and cough: use a mask when leaving the house, avoid contact with sick people, and keep warm.
              Dengue fever: avoid standing water around the house that can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Use mosquito nets while sleeping and spray mosquito repellent at home.
              Skin diseases: damp weather can increase the risk of skin irritation or fungal infections. Always keep skin clean, use moisturizers, and avoid scratching itchy skin.

              1. Special Tips for children and the elderly
                Children and the elderly are usually more susceptible to disease in the rainy season. Here are specific tips you can apply:

              Children: keep the child’s body and clothing clean, provide nutritious food, and make sure they get the necessary vaccinations to protect against various diseases.
              Elderly: the elderly need extra attention to their health condition. Make sure they get enough nutrition, maintain personal hygiene, and avoid activities that are too heavy to stay healthy and fit.

              10 Ways To Maintain Mental Health, Prevent Burnout!

              Eigerian, in the midst of this fast-paced digital era, how to maintain mental health is a challenge that really needs to be implemented. Constant exposure to information, social media pressure, to feelings of FOMO (Fear of Missing out) and cyberbullying, all of these can affect our mental well-being. Not infrequently, we feel tired, anxious, or even depressed after spending a long time scrolling in cyberspace. However, don’t worry! There are many ways you can take care of your mental health in this digital age.

              In this article, there are 10 effective tips that you can apply to maintain mental balance despite being surrounded by exposure to increasingly sophisticated technology. Yay, the next steps!

              Table of Contents hide
              1 Row Of Ways To Maintain Mental Health
              1.1 1. Limit the use of gadgets and social Media
              1.2 2. Do Digital Detox Regularly
              1.3 3. Practice Mindfulness and meditation
              1.4 4. Exercise Regularly
              1.5 5. Quality sleep
              1.6 6. Consume A Healthy Diet
              1.7 7. Maintain positive social relationships
              1.8 8. Find and develop a hobby
              1.9 9. Love Yourself
              1.10 10. Do not hesitate to seek professional help
              2 Live Happier by maintaining Mental health
              Row Of Ways To Maintain Mental Health

              1. Limit the use of gadgets and social Media
                The use of gadgets and social media is indeed very easy for our lives, but too much time spent staring at the screen can trigger anxiety and stress. Seeing other people’s seemingly perfect posts on social media can make you feel like you’re not good enough, which ultimately has an impact on mental health.

              The solution, set a time limit on the use of gadgets and social media. You can use applications that help monitor the duration of use or disable notifications that are not important. By limiting this time, you will focus more on things that are more useful.

              1. Do Digital Detox Regularly
                Digital detox is an effective way to reduce daily dependence on gadgets. By occasionally moving away from digital devices, our brains get a chance to rest and refresh themselves. You can start by turning off the gadget for a few hours every day or set a whole day without using technology.

              During digital detox, you can do outdoor activities, such as walking, gardening, or spending time with family and friends. These activities will help you feel more refreshed and free from the pressure of technology.

              Source: Eiger Adventure

              1. Practice Mindfulness and meditation
                Mindfulness and meditation are techniques that can help you focus more on the present and accept the present without getting carried away by negative emotions. Through this practice, you can learn to better manage stress and anxiety.

              To get started, you can try a short meditation every day. Many apps and online guides can help you practice mindfulness easily from anywhere. With regular meditation, you will feel your mind become more calm and controlled.

              1. Exercise Regularly
                Exercise is not only important for physical health, it is also very beneficial for mental health. During exercise, the body produces endorphins that can improve mood and help reduce stress. Exercising regularly can also boost your energy and make you feel more positive.

              Choose a sport that you enjoy, such as running, cycling, or yoga. There is no need to do strenuous exercise; the important thing is that you do it consistently.

              1. Quality sleep
                Getting enough sleep is crucial to maintaining mental health. Lack of sleep can create a bad mood, decrease concentration, and increase anxiety. Therefore, make sure you get enough sleep, about 7-9 hours every night.

              To improve sleep quality, avoid using gadgets at least an hour before bed. Create a comfortable and quiet room atmosphere so you can rest optimally.

              Also read: Journaling benefits for Mental Health, Can Reduce Stress!

              1. Consume A Healthy Diet
                What you eat also affects your mental health. Nutritious foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein, can help improve brain function and maintain good mood stability.

              Instead, avoid processed foods and sugary drinks that can worsen anxiety and mood. By eating healthy foods, you will feel fitter, both physically and mentally.

              1. Maintain positive social relationships

              Source: Eiger Adventure
              Healthy social interaction is essential for mental well-being. Spending time with family or friends can provide emotional support and help you feel more connected to others. This is very important, especially in the digital age where face-to-face interactions are sometimes overlooked.

              If you feel lonely, try joining a community or group that shares your interests. This can be a good way to expand social networks and find support from people who have something in common.

              1. Find and develop a hobby
                Hobbies are not only a leisure activity, but also a good way to reduce stress and increase creativity. Eigerian, you can look for activities that you like and make you feel happy, such as painting, cooking, writing, or playing music.

              If you haven’t found a suitable hobby yet, try exploring new activities. Hobbies can provide an escape from everyday stresses and help you feel more emotionally fulfilled.

              1. Love Yourself
                Self-compassion, or compassion for yourself, is the key to maintaining mental balance. Learning to accept yourself, including mistakes and imperfections, can help you feel more at peace. Try to talk gently to yourself and appreciate every achievement, no matter how small.

              Forgiving yourself and understanding that we all have flaws is an important step in maintaining mental health.

              1. Do not hesitate to seek professional help
                If you find it difficult to cope with ongoing stress or anxiety, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Consulting a psychologist or psychiatrist can help you get the right guidance to deal with the problem at hand.

              Remember, asking an expert for help is not a sign of weakness, but a bold step to improve your mental health.