Still in a pandemic condition that has actually improved enough, regular exercise is still needed. Quite a lot of people still choose to exercise at home, in order to maintain the health protocols given. So, let’s discuss what options you have for this.
Some of the sports that we will present to you generally require minimal supporting equipment, but can still provide a decent sweat if done seriously.
Starting from simple movements such as push ups, let’s take a look at the short list we made for you to still be able to exercise at home comfortably and increase endurance!
1 Push Ups, simple to train muscles
2 Jump Rope, Looks Easy But Promises To Sweat Profusely
3 Plank, so that you know during what 30 seconds is
4 climbing stairs can be a practical exercise at home
5 Jumping Jacks, combine with other moves
6 Zumba? Exercise At Home While Refreshing
Push ups, simple to train muscles
sports at home
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Who doesn’t know sports with this simple movement? Almost no need for supporting equipment, except for a yoga mat if needed, you can do push ups anytime at home.
With the right reps and consistency of the exercise, push ups will produce a fair amount of sweat. Usually this one sport is done sequentially with several other movements, in order to provide maximum benefits for health, and muscle strength.
Jump Rope, Looks Easy But Promises To Sweat Profusely
Yep, jumping rope or skipping can be a very effective home exercise option. Not only does it help you burn calories, this exercise can also improve hand and foot coordination, as well as your focus.
With just one skipping rope, you can already do this sport. If not, you can even jump without using a rope, and rely on the sound of clapping as a sign of jumping. Do 10 to 15 minutes of this sport in one day.
Also read: Let’s get acquainted with parachute jackets, Versatile and fashionable!
Plank, so you know what 30 seconds is
sports at home
Source : (picture is illustrative only)
We are not kidding, for beginners, plank is a very heavy movement done. Though this movement is just holding and trying to static position for a few seconds. 30 seconds, it will feel very long when you do this movement.
The movement is easy, take a position like push ups, but do not need to do the movement up and down. Just hold it for 30 to 1 minute in each session, and feel the sweat start pouring profusely. You can also do various variations, such as side plank, or elbow plank, and so forth.
Climbing stairs can be a practical exercise at home
Movement up and down stairs proven to help the muscles of the lower body up to the waist to contract. This will certainly be a good exercise for you when you are at home. Not as light as it seems, with enough reps, you will also feel the benefits of this exercise.
If in your house there is no staircase to the second floor, you can also replace it with a storage box. Just do the movement of stepping up the box, then down, and repeat, for a few minutes. I guarantee you will feel fresh.
Jumping Jack, combine with other moves
sports at home
Source : (picture is illustrative only)
This movement is also actually no less simple than the movement of sports in other homes. The trick is to stand up straight, then hands on the left and right side of the body, then jump while spreading your arms and legs.
Jump back by returning the position of the feet and hands to the starting position, and do it over and over. This simple exercise can help you train your heart, leg and hand muscles, as well as the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral attacks.
Fast, efficient and refreshing walk
It may be the simplest form of exercise you can do. Brisk walking will also make you feel better in terms of mood, as well as make the body move intensely. Of course, you can also jog on a treadmill or around the house, but brisk walking can be an interesting alternative.
Zumba? Exercise At Home While Refreshing
sports at home
Source : (picture is illustrative only)
Zumba or any other type of gymnastics can be done at home. In addition to using the services of a personal trainer, you can also see videos on YouTube for complete instructions. Just do this exercise for 10 to 15 minutes, freshness will come to you.
Gymnastics can also directly improve mood so that it becomes better. After Gymnastics, the shades of the liver will become lighter, and the body feels refreshed due to improved blood circulation.